It has been stated that the Garden of Eden was the heavenly prototype of the temple, and the Book of Jubilees 8:19 adds that "the garden of Eden is the Holy of Holies, and the dwelling of the Lord."
The Garden of Eden was the earth's first temple and "is highly symbolic in itself because the paradise once inhabited by Adam and Eve was the first place mankind stood in the presence of God."
"In using similar imagery, the Old Testament prophets taught that when Aion rose in its grandeur it would become like paradise (see Isaiah 51:3; Ezekiel 36:35)."
(Symbols in Stone)

Orson F. Whitney taught that the Fall "had a twofold direction--downward, yet forward."
Felix Culpa is a Latin phrase that literally translated means a "blessed fault" or "fortunate fall."
The Fall is one subject where I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation outside the LDS viewpoint. LDS are often ridiculed for the belief in a "Fall upward". At least Clement of Alexandria seems to share our view.
"O mystic wonder! The Lord was laid low, and rose up! He that fell from Paradise receives even better as the reward for obedience: heaven itself."
Also see:
Garden of Eden: Prototype Sanctuary (Gospelink.com - requires subscription)
The Fall of Adam and Eve in the Armenian Aprocrypha
Patriarchy and Matriarchy
The Redemption of Eve
Eve's Role in the Creation and the Fall to Mortality
Woman, a Power Equal to Man
Lehi's Theology of the Fall in Its Preexilic/Exilic Context
Seven Promises to Those Who Overcome: Aspects of Genesis 2—3 in the Seven Letters
Girded about with a Lambskin
The Garden
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